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来源:网络资源 文章作者:奥数网整理 2019-08-17 21:34:01




  My father works in a shop. It's near an English _1___. Every day the students come to __2__ things. In the morning my father gets up _3___ six and after breakfast he __4__ his bike to the shop. He __5__ there at about six fifty. The shop __6__ at seven. The shop sells things __7__ food and drink. He has school things, too. So there __8___ often lots of people in his shop _9___ morning to evening. My father is very friendly __10___ the students and they like my father very much.

  (   )1. A. farm        B. factory       C. school      D. river

  (   )2. A. buy         B. sell          C. take        D. want

  (   )3. A. on          B. in            C. at         D. from

  (   )4. A. on          B. by            C. rides      D. riding

  (   )5. A. gos         B. gets           C. stays      D. looks

  (   )6. A. opens       B. open          C. is opening  D. is open

  (   )7. A. with        B. like           C. for        D. about

  (   )8. A. are         B. come          C. have       D. see

  (   )9. A. in          B. from          C. on         D. at

  (   )10. A. to         B. at             C. with       D. for