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2019年六年级英语Unit 1 May I speak to Kitty课时练习题(陕旅版带答案)

2019-04-21 13:13:52     

Unit 1 May I speak to Kitty?



1.移动电话_______________________ 2.打电话______________________

3.发送信息_______________________ 4.读电子书____________________

5.网上冲浪_______________________ 6.发一封电子邮件______________


( ) 1. I have three_________.

A. mobile phones B. mobile phone C. phone

( ) 2. She_________ a phone call to her mum.

A. make B. makes C. mades

( ) 3. You can send_________ e-mail to your friend.

A. a B. one C. an

( ) 4. I use the mobile phone to_________.

A. go on the Internet B. go the Internet C. go to the Internet

( ) 5. He wants to send_________.

A. e-mail B. a e-mail C. e-mails


Mary: Look at it. What’s this?

Li Ming: 1. _________________

Mary: What can I use it to do?

Li Ming: 2. _________________

Mary: 3. ___________________

Li Ming: You are right.

Mary: Oh, thank you.

Li Ming: 4. ________________

Mary: Bye.

A. This is a mobile phone.

B. You are welcome.

C. You can use it go on the Internet.

D. May be I can use it read an e-book.


一、1. mobile phone 2. make a phone call 3. send a message

4. read an e-book 5. go on the Internet 6. send an e-mail

二、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C

三、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D

Unit 1 May I speak to Kitty?



( ) 1. — May I speak _________ Mary?

— Sure.

A. to B. and C. on

( ) 2. _________ you please give me a pencil?

A. Can B. Could C. May

( ) 3. — Hello, this is Xiaoming.

— Hello, _________ Kitty.

A. this is B. I am C. my name is

( ) 4. — Where did you go this morning?

— I_________ with my mum.

A. go shopping B. go to shop C. went shopping

( ) 5. — You can use a mobile phone to play games.

— No, _________.

A. sounds good B. I won’t play games C. great


( ) 1. 接通电话介绍自己时,你应该说:_________

A. I am Mary. B. My name is Mary. C. This is Mary.

( ) 2. 当需要别人给你回电话时,你应该说:_________

A. Could you please ask him/her to call me?

B. Could you help me?

C. What are you doing?


Li Ming: May I speak to Colio?

Colio: 1. ___________________

Li Ming: This is Li Ming. What will you

do tomorrow?

Colio: 2. ___________________

Li Ming: 3. _________________

Colio: OK.

Li Ming: 4. _________________

Colio: Sorry, I can’t play tennis.

Li Ming: I can teach you.

Colio: 5. ________________

Li Ming: You are welcome.

A. This is Colin speaking. Who is that?

B. I will go on a picnic. What about you?

C. I will go shopping.

D. Really? Thank you

E. Would you like to play tennis?

来源:网络资源 作者:奥数网整理


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