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小学英语口语话题练习:How was your weekend?

来源:网络资源 文章作者:奥数网整理 2018-12-02 16:37:42

小学英语口语话题练习:How was your weekend?

  Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Bruce和Linda正在讨论周末的趣事,我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。

  Bruce:  Hello, Linda.(你好,琳达。)

  Linda: Hi, Bruce. How was your weekend?


  Bruce:  Yesterday, my grandpa took me to go fishing.(昨天,我爷爷带我去钓鱼了。)

  Linda:  How was it like?(钓鱼怎么样呢?)

  Bruce:  So much fun. My grandpa gave me a fishing rod. He said the point is you have to stay still.


  Linda:   Like a statue.(像一座雕塑。)

  Bruce:  Yes, you have to be cool about it.


  Linda:  Did you fish a lot?


  Bruce:  I failed it at first. That‘s not easy. Then my grandpa told me to relax.


  Linda: Sounds like you are getting into it.


  Bruce:  Yes, I want to go fishing this weekend.
