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小学英语口语话题练习:Class is over

来源:网络资源 文章作者:奥数网整理 2018-12-01 18:31:23

小学英语口语话题练习:Class is over

  Hello, everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段发生在放学前的情景对话,主人公是Ms Wong和学生们.

  Ms Wong: Class is over. Now, open your notebook.(下课了。现在请打开你们的作业本。)

  The students: OK!(好!)

  Ms Wong: Let‘s take a note of today’s homework.(我们来记一下今天的作业。)

  The students: Yes.(好的。)

  Ms Wong: No.1, read a new book, next week we

  will hold a reading game.


  The students: OK.(好。)

  Ms Wong: No.2, do your science homework.


  The students: I love today‘s science homework.

  It’s about the colour change.


  Ms Wong: That‘s right. And remember to write

  the science report.That’s all.


  The students: Thank you, Ms Wong.
