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来源:家长帮论坛 文章作者:站在你身后1996 2018-08-26 16:09:43


  7. keep doing  持续做某事

  Foreign words keep coming into English. 外来词源源不断地进入英语。

  8. mind doing  介意做某事

  Would you mind stepping aside to let me pass? 你介意站开让我走过去吗?

  9. practice doing  练习做某事

  Practice throwing the ball into the net. 练习投篮。

  10. regret doing  后悔做某事

  I believe you will regret leaving Paris. 我相信你会为离开巴黎而后悔的。

  11. risk doing  冒险做某事

  I don’t think they will risk holding an election. 我想他们是不会冒风险举行选举的。

  12. suggest doing 建议做某事

  I suggested going for a walk. 我建议去散步。