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来源:奥数网 2017-01-09 17:32:25



  (   )1. A.eat       B.meat       C.leave     D.really

  (   )2. A.glass      B.grass      C.mess     D.class

  (   )3. A.hour      B.hope       C.head     D.home

  (   )4. A.play       B.says      C.great      D.same

  (   )5. A.moon      B.cook      C.good     D.look

  (   )6. A.sun        B.but       C.much     D.use

  (   )7. A.proud      B.shout     C.round     D.country

  (   )8. A.meet       B.field      C.break     D.seek

  (   )9. A.hide       B.buy       C.minute    D.shy

  (   )10. A.school    B.China      C.chick     D.chocolate


  (   )1. A.drum        B.violin       C.flute        D.dress

  (   )2. A.mouse       B.dragon      C.wolf         D.elephant

  (   )3. A.Frenchman   B.driver       C.policeman    D.postman

  (   )4. A.amazing     B.building     C.interesting    D.surprising

  (   )5. A.sing         B.speak       C.sleep        D.ship

  (   )6. A.shoulder     B.stomach      C.arm        D.headache

  (   )7. A.pork        B.fork         C.bowl        D.plate

  (   )8. A.glad        B.angry        C.proud       D.happy

  (   )9. A.rainy        B.weather      C.windy       D.sunny

  (   )10. A.peach      B.watermelon    C.pair        D.pear


  1.Yesterday we went to the park.And we e________ ourselves.

  2.---What's the m_______?----My bike doesn't work.

  3.There are seven d_______ in a week.

  4.What are you doing?---I'm w_________ TV.

  5.I'm going s_______.I'm going to buy a book and some chocolate.

  6.---What day is after Saturday?---It's S_______.

  7.---Tom's b________ is coming.---Let's have a party for him.---That's a good idea.

  8.March 8th is W_______ Day.My father and I buy a present.

  9.Are you thirsty?Please come and d_______ some water.

  10.You can watch TV after you f_____ your homework.


  1.Whose T-shirt is this?  --It's _________.

  A.Jim        B.my         C.his       D.her

  2.Please look______the blackboard.What's________ it?

  A.at,at         B.at,on          C.on,at         D.on,on

  3.Do you want________ the UN building?

  A.visit         B.visiting        C.to visit        D.visited

  4.There is _______ "u" and _______"s" in the word "use".

  A.an,a         B.an,an          C.a,a           D.a,an

  5.Were you in the office________?

  A.tomorrow     B.tonight        C.last night      D.in the morning

  6.Have you got_____ friends_______Canada?

  A.some,from     B.any,to        C.any,from       D.many,to

  7.________students are there in your class?----There are sixty-two.

  A.How long     B.How old      C.How many     D.How much

  8.---Who made the card yesterday?---_______________.

  A.Yes,we did.    B.No,we didn't   C.Tom does    D.Jim did

  9.Betty ______stamps.She's got five albums.

  A.likes collecting  B.likes collect    C.like collecting   D.like collect

  10.He often ______the _______in English.

  A.singing,songs   B.sings,songs     C.sing,song       D.sings,songing

  11.--_______________?---He's a doctor.

  A.How is your father          B.How old is your father

  C.What's your father          D.Is your father a doctor

  12.---_____did you do last Sunday?--I went to my grandma's.

  A.What        B.Who        C.Where          D.Whose

  13.The boy ______blue is my best friend.

  A.in            B.on          C.with           D.at

  14.--May I use your ruler? ---____________________.(Which one is wrong?)

  A.Sure.          B.Yes,you may.          C.Here you are.              D.Sorry,I'm using it.

  15.---Thank you. ---_________________.

  A.Thank you.     B.OK               C.All right                D.Not at all.


  (   )1.Which boy is your brother?                 A.It's mine.

  (   )2.Who is that girl?                         B.Well,I've got a cold.

  (   )3.Tonny,you're late today.                   C.She is kind and friendly.

  (   )4.What does your father do?                 D.Yes.And they both like football.

  (   )5.Tom and Tim look the same.                E.He is on the bike,speaking to Mr Green.

  (   )6.What's your teacher like?                  F.Sure.I'd love to.

  (   )7.Whose desk is this?                       G.He was tall and strong.

  (   )8.Excuse me,Is there a school near here?        H.He works in a factory.

  (   )9.Would you like to open the window?         I.But it's broken.

  (   )10.Can you pass me the book?                J.You mean the one with a hat?

  K.Yes,it's over there.


  1.我通常骑自行车上学。I _________  __________ to school ________  _________.

  2.明天我们要去野餐吗?_______ we ________ a _________  _________?

  3.小明的爷爷会扎风筝吗?_________ Xiaoming's ________ ________ ________?

  4.你妈妈正在写信吗? __________ your mother __________ ________ _________?

  5.第二天,杰克借了两本书。Jack ________ two books _________ _________ _________.


  1.出租车___________  2.安全出口____________ 3.(邮政)特快专递____________

  4.(电源等的)打开/关闭______________ 5.停车处______________


  The good things and the bad things

  Mr. and Mrs. Wilson lived in a big crowded city,and one summer they took holidays in a small town.They enjoyed it very much,because it was quiet and clean,and very different from the city.

  One day they went for a walk early in the morning and met an old man.He lived on a farm and he was sitting along in the warm sun outside his front door.Mr.Wilson asked him,"Do you like living in such a quiet place?"

  The old man said,"What are the good things about it?"

  The old man answered,"Well,everybody knows everybody else.People often come to visit me,and I often go and visit them.And there are also lots of children here."

  Mr. Wilson said,"That's interesting.And what are the bad things?"

  The old man thought for a minute and then said,"Well,the same thing,really."

  (   )1.Mr. and Mrs. Wilson lived in __________.

  A.a big city        B.a small town        C.a small village        D.a big quiet city

  (   )2.Mr. and Mrs. Wilson enjoyed their holiday very much because_______________.

  A.there was no noise in the place        B.the weather was very nice

  C.they could eat very good food         D.they met an old man

  (   )3.What was the old man doing when Mr. and Mrs. Wilson met him?

  A.He was playing with the children       B.He was sitting along

  C.He was reading a newspaper           D.He was visiting a friend

  (   )4.The old man ___________in the small town.

  A.didn't know anybody                 B.knew everybody

  C.knew Mr. and Mrs. Wilson             D.only knew the children

  (   )5.What were the bad things to the old man in the small town?

  A.Food        B.The good things          C.Water             D.Weather

  One day Mr. and Mrs. Green go shopping by car.They stop their car near a shop.They buy many things from the shop and the things are very heavy.They want to put the things in their car.But Mr. Green can't open the door of the car."Let's ask a policeman for help,"says Mrs. Green.They ask a policeman to help them.The policeman is very friendly to help them to open the door of the car.At that time a young man comes up and shouts,"What are you doing with my car?"Mr. and Mrs. Green look at the number of the car then they say sorry to the man.

  (   )1.Mr. and Mrs. Green want to ___________.

  A.carry the things home        B.put the heavy things into their car

  C.buy a car                  D.ask a policeman to carry the things for him

  (   )2.Mr. Green can't open the door of the car because______________.

  A.they buy a lot of things       B.they want a policeman to help them

  C.the car isn't their car         D.Mrs. Green can open the door

  (   )3.What's the meaning of the word"shout"?

  A.叫喊         B.哭         C.大笑          D.打闹

  (   )4._______wants to help them to open the door.

  A.An old man    B.A policeman   C.A young man    D.A shop

  (   )5.They look at ________and they know they are wrong.

  A.a young man   B.a policeman   C.the number of the car    D.the color of the car


